Today value-based education is rarely available nor understood seriously in all its significance. Greater problem is that much before the younger generation is equipped intellectually; the liberal exposures of the modern environment influence their mind and unsettle any value-based direction in life.The situation is complex with the problem being dual faceted. (i.e.) Absence of value-based education and strong presence of environmental influences, gravitating the mind easily towards lower impulses. This accelerates the qualitative and cultural degradation of the younger generation.
Hence the education curriculum beginning from early schooling till Post Graduation should be supplemented with value-based education. Then alone the younger generation can enter their career, life and society as fully developed individuals, worthy of assuming charge of nation’s development and future.
Art of Self-Management
The Art of Self-Management is a value-based supplement to academic education. Wherein the student in and through the academic pursuits learns and understands about the realities pertaining to life and living.
Education system the world over restricts its focus to mere academic growth of a student. But the value-based development seems to be increasingly neglected. Educated masses turn into world governing specialists but not self-governing individuals. Hence life witnesses a strange paradox – rapidly developing world on one hand and an under prepared individual facing such a dynamic world on the other.
This paradox can be set right by balancing the individual. Both formats of education (i.e.) academic and value based should be imparted simultaneously to the younger generation.
Such complete education transforms a student to be productive, peaceful useful to the society and essential to humanity.